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SL Mobile: now on! A first step only for selected members!

Yes, here we are! Second Life Mobile App is nowday ready to run!

But, for now is not open for the masses: is a first reality only for higher members subscribed as "private alpha members", that means, a premium SL in-world residents, with subscription payment on, that need to be selected as "PAM", following an official link to submission request:

The now issues of SL Mobile App, for iOS Android and Apple systems:


* See your avatar & edit appearance by changing outfits 

* Explore the world via the Destination Guide, mobile showcase, own favorites (teleport, deep links, TP offers)

* Interact with the world through a limited set of movements (walk, run, fly, sit, stand) and object interactions (touch, sit) - or park your avatar and explore via flycam.

* Socialize and stay connected (nearby chat, group chat, IM, group notices, find contacts, inspect profiles)

* Create and log in with a new account



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